
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Border Crossings

All this chat of borders not being safe, the need for American, Canadian and Mexico to tighten their borders, there may be not import or export with our neighbors. We are buying into the hype, swallowing the propaganda and being forced fed a new regiment of hate for those same people we have lived in peace with for all these years. What is wrong with us as a human race, if we don’t have someone to point a finger at, a religion to tear apart, a country to invade, what are we now days? This makes us less of a nation, a lesser form of human being? What has happen to us as a whole since that fatal day in 2001? We have lost our compassion; we have become bolder in our speech and 1000% less supportive of one another. There is no loyalty left among us, no compassion left in us towards one another. Instead of healing, we find more and more reasons to become embittered with one another, more hateful, we linger in our human waste of words and abandon one another by the wayside. It is not Americans or Canadian or Mexicans, we are one people, one North America, we are all beings who have lost our humanity for one another, our logic, our reasons to rally around one another in a time of need, heartfelt attempts and just a meager word of logical reasoning. If logic were to rule, we would become people without borders and find stronger reasons to support one another and fewer reasons to beat each other up with words over the medium known as the net. Yeah, just another bleeding heart liberal, Viesta

Commented on what I read today

Janet Napolitano

A suggestion by the U.S. Homeland Security Secretary that terrorists have routinely entered the United States through Canada — including the perpetrators of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — caused a kerfuffle in Washington Tuesday.

Janet Napolitano made the comment in an interview Monday with CBC's Washington correspondent, Neil Macdonald.

In the interview, Macdonald asked Napolitano to clarify comments she made last month that the Canadian and Mexican borders must be treated equally.

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