
Thursday, April 30, 2009

About this swine flu pandemic!

I have been reading a lot about this swine flu, it never hurts one to be prepared, here are a few interesting facts!
It's an old story scare people make lots of money. The Tamiflu the governments bought a few years ago is at the end of the shelf life. It needs to be replaced. Certain bio companies have profits from 26 to close to 400%. Not too shabby. The WHO chick will probably get a job with one or sit on a few of their boards. TIME CAPSULE 1976: A FEW CONGRESSMEN BLAST THE SWINE FLU HOAX Not all of our Congressmen are hopeless. Some are actually on our side. Congressman Ron Paul of Texas is also a doctor and is able to see both sides of the swine flu question. Most doctors have tunnel vision and see only one side — the side with the dollar mark. Congressman Paul, in an interview with the Enquirer (Dec. 21, 76) said: "I am outraged by this program. It has been a shocking misuse of funds ... and an evil political maneuver. There are people whose careers are in question because of this program. And I predict these blatant advertising efforts to panic the people into taking swine flu shots will fail. "I think Congress has wasted more than one hundred million dollars. The swine flu program should be brought back to Congress and discontinued at once. The program should be stopped, and those who were responsible should be held morally accountable to the American public." Congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia, also a medical doctor, said: "I think the swine flu program is a tailor-made hoax that finds its roots in frightening the American people . . . I believe that a full investigation of those in charge should be launched . . . and if it turns out to be a dishonest promotion, everyone responsible should be removed from their jobs." It’s heartening to find that all our Congressmen are not corrupt. But where were they, the good ones, when the vote was being taken to endorse and finance this mass poisoning program?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

TOO FUNNY, sent to me by a freind, Carly THANKS

I'm sure this happened to me too!!!!!!!!

You've heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves.

My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else's thighs. It was just that quick. The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans.

And then the thieves struck again.

My bum was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear-end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier. But my new bum was attached at least three inches lower than my original! I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favour of long skirts.

Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was drying my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arm swing to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time.

What could they do to me next?

When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world wake up and smell the coffee! Those 'plastic' surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts -stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something 'lifted', look again - was it lifted from you?

THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night.


P.S. Last
year I thought some one had stolen my Boobs. I was lyingin bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband.

Thought this was too 'important' not to pass on! BTW - These same thieves come in my wardrobe and shrank my clothes!

How do they do it???

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Border Crossings

All this chat of borders not being safe, the need for American, Canadian and Mexico to tighten their borders, there may be not import or export with our neighbors. We are buying into the hype, swallowing the propaganda and being forced fed a new regiment of hate for those same people we have lived in peace with for all these years. What is wrong with us as a human race, if we don’t have someone to point a finger at, a religion to tear apart, a country to invade, what are we now days? This makes us less of a nation, a lesser form of human being? What has happen to us as a whole since that fatal day in 2001? We have lost our compassion; we have become bolder in our speech and 1000% less supportive of one another. There is no loyalty left among us, no compassion left in us towards one another. Instead of healing, we find more and more reasons to become embittered with one another, more hateful, we linger in our human waste of words and abandon one another by the wayside. It is not Americans or Canadian or Mexicans, we are one people, one North America, we are all beings who have lost our humanity for one another, our logic, our reasons to rally around one another in a time of need, heartfelt attempts and just a meager word of logical reasoning. If logic were to rule, we would become people without borders and find stronger reasons to support one another and fewer reasons to beat each other up with words over the medium known as the net. Yeah, just another bleeding heart liberal, Viesta

Commented on what I read today

Janet Napolitano

A suggestion by the U.S. Homeland Security Secretary that terrorists have routinely entered the United States through Canada — including the perpetrators of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — caused a kerfuffle in Washington Tuesday.

Janet Napolitano made the comment in an interview Monday with CBC's Washington correspondent, Neil Macdonald.

In the interview, Macdonald asked Napolitano to clarify comments she made last month that the Canadian and Mexican borders must be treated equally.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Dear Mr.President Obama,

Patriotic retirement Act

There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force;

pay them $1 million a piece severance with stipulations:

1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.

2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.

3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed.

All this and it's still cheaper than the "bailout".

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What are you doing for your own people Obama and Harper

I read this article today with total disgust, we give money, help and aid to anyone that does not live in our country! Why is it so damn hard to help our own people who can't get out from under a home that is being taken away, people from middle class are now having to visit food banks for the fist time ever.... no health, the list is endless, yet we can give money away as in the article below:

Harper, Obama pledge to boost credit in Americas
Source: CBC News
Posted: 04/18/09 5:25PM
Filed Under: Top News

Canada will double its funding of an institution that lends money to developing countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Saturday at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago.

He pledged $4 billion to bolster the Inter-American Development Bank during a meeting with leaders at the 34-nation summit in Port-of-Spain.

"I emphasized Canada's role in successfully urging the G20 to provide more resources for international financial institutions so that they can provide smaller, more vulnerable nations in our hemisphere access to credit, the credit they need to stimulate and sustain economic activity at these times," Harper later told reporters.

He also announced that Canada will provide up to 1,600 scholarships for Caribbean students and researchers to develop their knowledge and skills in Canada for the future benefit of their home countries.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama announced the creation of a $100-million US microfinance growth fund to help small entrepreneurs in the Western Hemisphere.

The White House said the new fund would loosen credit from banks and get money moving to small businesses. Such loans have proved successful in other developing regions.

Turning to Cuba and recent moves by the U.S. administration to overcome what Obama is calling "decades of mistrust," Harper said Canada has historically maintained diplomatic relations and "economic interaction" with the island.

However, he said Canada has not "turned a blind eye to the fact that Cuba is a communist dictatorship," adding that his government wants to see progress made on freedom, democracy and human rights, as well as economic matters.

Harper and Obama met informally for 10 minutes at the summit on Saturday.

When Obama was later asked whether had was taking any tips from Canada on his administration's Cuba policy, he quipped: "I take tips from Canada on a lot of things."

Earlier in the week, Obama lifted some travel and telecommunications restrictions on Cuba. Officials at the White House have openly wished that Cuba would not become the centre of attention at the 34-nation summit.

All the countries of the Americas are taking part except Cuba, which was excluded because it does not have a democratically elected leader.

South American leaders have praised the U.S. president for taking steps to restore some ties with Cuba, but they've pushed him to do even more lift the 47-year-old U.S. trade embargo against the nation.

Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs has said the U.S. will "continue to evaluate and watch what happens."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Somedays when you look for answers....

I was given this by a friend who seems to have worded it perfectly on the feelings of their being no god or gods...Thanks PJ... You can read more of PJ at

God is an illusion.. an idea created by primitive man to explain the things he had no understanding of. This creation of man in mans image has morphed into the creator of the cosmos, the angry father who drowned his kids, the warrior who helped his people slaughter innocents on their way to the promised land, and then into a gentle preacher who turns the other cheek and gives away his goods to the poor. There are countless ideas of god and what his plan for the world are. However what started out as an idea to explain the unknown quickly turned into a means to grab power and wealth, to exploit the populace into doing their lords work at the expense of their lives at times. Religion evolved into the source of power for governments and empires. The populace was given gods to worship, tributes to pay and the priests got richer and more powerful as time marched on. There is no proof of god and yet billions of people have refused to look into the origins of their question it in even the smallest ways. They defend their faith in the face of evidence that tears away the ground beneath them. They stand on the edge of an eroding cliff called faith.. they claim it is all that is needed. Religion has long been the enemy of science, they have killed the men and women who, through the acquisition of knowledge have shoveled the ground from beneath their feet. They have fought to hold on to their power over the masses, the source of their wealth. They will do almost anything to keep it Slowly over the ages, reason, and logic have drawn men out of the dark of faith and into the sometimes almost blinding light of rational thought... where do you stand? on solid ground or on that eroding ledge...watching as the ground beneath you falls away? ..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is Anyone Listening?

I think I could go mad….. Ever hear that or think about it? It is a phrase, a thought, perhaps maybe even a generation gone by. Live today, don’t look to past, I was raised on that thinking.. but then again I was also raised to think that the youth that came after our generation would give way to hope, progress and a bright future!
I know our parents worried for our future, just as I sit worrying about the generation of today. Never, I mean, never before, has a youth had so much power within their grasp and so little desire to utilize it. Technology today is amazing, finger stroke away; you are on the internet, sending messages, your thoughts, whatever is on your mind. And here we sit with people, who can’t form a thought, that could become an idea, maybe even a brilliant event, a way to change the measures of today, to make a difference in the days to come.

I know I have very few answers to the questions I consider, but I still find myself able to ask….. is anyone out there?

इफ यू आस्क में, ओबामा इस आउट ऑफ़ कंट्रोल!

Today thousand of people poured out onto the streets to protest our higher taxes in the US, along with the idea of Obama and his overspending in the white house. It reminds us of our forefathers who would, if they could, see the out of control spending in the White House. I pity the USA, we are losing ground fast on the hungry, what the American family stands and above all, no one can get their head around this economy, that only seems to be getting worse with each and every day.

Was Obama ever really the right choice for the USA? I don't think so!

Republicans and conservatives alike should be shoving the economic mess created by the Obama regime right back down their throats.

Obama tells us that we can spend our way out of debt. He tells us that even though the government had control over the banks and did nothing to stop the bad that's going on, if we give them more control over more other bank-like things, then they can make sure bad stuff doesn't happen ever again. He says we can get out of all those big wars President Bush caused by sending more troops into Afghanistan. I really don't know.

I held out hope in the beginning and yeah, a lot of people are going to say I am not giving him a real chance, a go with it sort of attitude! But, of course I am watching the daily news, the headlines, the stimulus ideas, the people who are standing in food line growing by the day, people losing homes, wondering how hot the summer will turn out for people ahead, wondering how much more (as a people) can we stand.

People swear if you are patient, that Obama will pull the USA out of it. That Obama said he has a plan. But have you noticed, Obama is a great speaker, I will give him that, but it stops there, the man can talk, but what actions has he taken, why are we in a worsen state? I feel at this point he is only looking to make a place for himself in history, another attempt at a new Camelot!

President Obama is very intelligent. He's trustworthy. If I believed in God and Obama was standing on the pulpit, looking down at me, telling me to believe, then I might have such faith in him, that I would fall on the ground, twist my body and start speaking in tongues. But, that is where it ends for me... Obama is not the answer to the crisis we see before us. He is just another man in a dark suit, pretending to have the answers, while he reaches into one pocket taking our money and reaches into our other pocket taking what is left of our pride.

We are on a fool's ride and Obama is leading the fools over the cliff. I have such worry in my bones for the roads ahead. Move over people, 8 years of Bush and now Obama!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

थे परफेक्ट bags

Ok Im adding some new stuff worthy of endorsement... mostly food related this time..

- Glad steam bags... they sound sketchy I know but they are in fact quite genius and dirty dish-preventing. They even cook sweet potatoes! holla!

-Corn on the cob is so perfect in these bags! Just to add, they are the perfect way to add a quick veggie to a balanced meal!

That's it for now but add anything you think is worthy!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

फेयर टैक्स Act

I found this site, very interesting, very good reading!

Solution: Fair Tax
J I saw two men discussing the possible dissolve of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Income Tax. They were talking about a "fair tax" on consumption, which is simply a sales tax. So, for everything you buy, the sales tax would be higher, MUCH higher, something like an additional 20-25%.

Here in Canada we have a national sales tax of 5%, and an additional provincial tax of 5%. That's an 10% tax on everything we buy. However, the highest income tax rate for Canada is 29% on everything over $120,887. Funny, that seems a lot lower when you're not writing a check to the Government for 5-figures. Regardless, it means that the Government takes 39% of every dollar I make.

Moreover, the talking heads on CNN indicated that the consumption in the US is approx 9 trillion dollars per year (If I remember correctly) while income tax is significantly lower than that ($4 Trillion?)

The benfit to a switching to the "Fair Tax" is simplicity. There is no more IRS. There is no more chasing people to pay their taxes. Everyone pays their tax when they buy an item. Simple.

But does anyone really want to pay 30% tax on a toaster? Not really. But, those who save money and don't spend like crazy would accumulate a fortune without income taxes.

It might be a great idea to instead of switching 100%, increase the sales tax and decrease the income tax accordingly, and see how it goes. If it works well, then scrap the income tax. Afterall, income tax is illegal, right?

Originally posted Nov 30, 2007
Revised May 29, 2008
with content adapted from

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Children Belong to No Man!

I try not to get disgusted by the news anymore, but, there always has to be that one headline that grabs my attention, that I have to comment on.

The county of Islam, the men of Muslim faith, on the low scale of thinking, are fraught with indignities towards young girls, girls who have only started to feel alive, then the when their first breath of childhood is inhaled, it is briskly taken away by a man who thinks it is his right to make this child as his bride. The thought of an old man becoming aroused by a child is one of the most disturbing thoughts that makes us cringe as it reminds us of pedophilia and the most despicable people. It is difficult to accept that the Holy Prophet married Aisha when she was 6-years-old and consummated his marriage with her when she was 9. He was then, 54 years old.

READ the STORY BELOW that caught my attention, you can decided for yourself, ill or not not, right or wrong .......

Source: CNN

By Mohammed Jamjoom

A Saudi mother is expected to appeal a judge's ruling after he once again refused to let her 8-year-old daughter divorce a 47-year-old man, a relative said. Sheikh Habib Al-Habib made the ruling Saturday in the Saudi city of Onaiza. Late last year, he rejected a petition to annul the marriage.

The case, which has drawn criticism from local and international rights groups, came to light in December when Al-Habib declined to annul the marriage on a legal technicality. His dismissal of the mother's petition sparked outrage and made headlines around the world.

The judge said the mother, who is separated from the girl's father, was not the legal guardian and therefore could not represent her daughter, the mother's lawyer, Abdullah al-Jutaili, said at the time.

The girl's husband pledged not to consummate the marriage until the girl reaches puberty, according to al-Jutaili, who added that the girl's father arranged the marriage to settle his debts with the man, who is considered "a close friend."

Monday, April 6, 2009

In this life we live.......

Is there a life after all of this living? Do you think there is a God?
Okay, take a good look around, look as far as the eyes can see, tell yourself, what do you see? Take it all in, soak it up, close your eyes, open them again, look again, do you see what you saw before at first glance. My rationale for asking is what you see is Life, as good as it gets and good as you want it to be. It is your choice, state of existence, your being, your world, make good of it as you can while you can.. Like the songs says, We are not here for a long time, but for a short time, so breath it all in and live. No second chances, no dress rehearsals, now and the days to come.
The fear of the unfamiliar drives people to try and create something, which can be known, to them, and they feel comfort that other people join them in this human created perception of the unknowable. This joining together in common illusion validates said human creation called “God” in its various forms, and distracts from the fear of the unknown and accepting the reality that there is the Unknowable.
I figure it’s a better chance of existing in this life, based on the evidence I have on hand and the living I have done. Obviously the theoretical premises as laid out in any religious texts for establishing the existence of god are flawed, but there are no rock solid counter-arguments that eliminate the theoretical possibility of the existence of "god", or for that matter many "gods", could be coexisting for all any of us know, or are we free willing this adventure called life out here alone?
A lot depends I guess on how you define "god", but even then, my discussion point is basically unproven and therefore moot. I don’t believe in any god or gods, I live and preach, Life! We all live the life we are given, take advantage of it, abuse it, or yield to the real message in life, living, loving, giving and sharing. I think that is the key in the real meaning in life, the legacy we leave behind in who we are and what we gave in our living!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just thinking on a Sunday!

No two moments are the same in life, even with déjà-vu, so I might as well try to enjoy the things around me before they change. I expect things to change, not always for the best but change is necessary none the less.

I am happy that in this age of reality TV and 24 hour news channels that the little picture box still is able to get my hamster running every once in awhile. I spend my days trying to understand why leaders of the world don't get what is going on around them, how easy it is to mend the means and move on..... Then again, sometimes I need to do the same damn thing.

I am just bored!

I have a piece of advice for you. Of course I must give the warning I give all pieces of advice. You are a fool to listen me.....anyways.....

Take time out of your busy life and do something you suck at. I mean it. Go frustrate the shit out of yourself on purpose. So this does not count the commute to and from work, work itself....or marriage. Why would I give this piece of advice? Because....we all need to be really bad at something to help balance out the things we are good at. I choose golf as my tool of torture. A simple premise to the game...hit a ball into a hole in a certain amount of shots. playing the piano.....push your fingers down on keys at a certain time to create notes. Of course I can't play the piano. But I continue to torture myself because life should not be about doing things that just come easy to us.

And now for those of you that say, "I suck at everything in I already that covered." I would debate that fact. If you really sucked at life you would be dead. Think about that!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

As Read and Commented from the Village Voice

This is just ludicrous. This is part of the reason mankind does not feel responsible to help anyone on the streets now days. We are nothing more than animals on the streets and byways of the USA- no one is accountable for their own actions - so why should we have to be of help to another human being. Well, I hope Justice Kevin Kerrigan never has a daughter, son, grandchild or anyone that may have to travel alone one day or depend on another human being to help them or lend them a helping hand ........ one never knows! The world of today lacks social interaction, moral, justice, caring. The world is too bold and too big, there are more people walking on the face of the earth than ever before, and with it, comes the era lacking in rules, morality or just the desire to care for one another. Truly sad!

Court: MTA Employees Not Required to Stop Rape
By Emily Brady in Crime, Featured, Legal
Thursday, Apr. 2 2009 @ 4:21PM

To all the ladies who stand alone on a subway platform late at night, hoping that being within eyeshot of a station agent will make you somewhat safer from harm: You're wrong.
MTA employees have no responsibly to intervene if you happen to be attacked and raped right in front of them, a Queens judge effectively ruled on Tuesday when he threw out a lawsuit brought against the MTA, and a station agent and train conductor who witnessed a rape in the 21st St. G train station in June 2005.
Justice Kevin Kerrigan ruled that the conductor, Harmodio Cruz, and station agent, John Koort, took "prompt and decisive action" in summoning the police. The police did not arrive in time, however, to prevent the then-21-year-old victim from being raped twice after being dragged kicking and screaming past the station agent's booth as he watched. Her attacker escaped and has never been caught.
The victim called the decision "deplorable" today, and her lawyer Marc Albert told the Voice that they planned to appeal.
Here's the MTA's statement: "It is important to note that while NYC Transit workers are trained to the highest degree of professionalism in their assigned jobs, they are not and should not be expected to perform in the capacity of law enforcement officers." They added that "incidents of crime in the subways remain at historic lows." Photo (cc) wka.

A Very Proud Mom!

I am so very blessed to have the kids I have and all them being so different from one another. But at the this time, I am talking about Cole, my daughter, who has 10 weeks left until she earns her Masters in Sociology.. the study of society! Then following her ten weeks to finish school, then she is on to complete her thesis on fandom. What is fandom you might ask? Fandom can be defined or explained as the state of being a fan or all that encompasses fan culture and fan behavior in general, or the study of fans and fan behavior. An enthusiastic follower of a sport or entertainment or
2) an enthusiastic admirer (as of a celebrity). My daughter is writing this paper on fandom from users she has interviewed from the internet... so very proud of you Cole, you are a wonderful person and everything you do in life sparks and captures the mind!
Love you tons, MoM

Odie Forever a Best Freind

Odie Forever a Best Freind

A Mother's Pride

A Mother's Pride
My Son, My Hero!

My Words, My Way!

My photo
I am just any person out here in the world, part of this universe, one voice, one person, living!

