
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mr Obama

Dear Mr. Obama

When I look back at our American history, I think of how we have has grown and changed since the time our first leaders, leading our nation now is nothing short of a miraculous task. But, like those men that have come before you, you claim to be a roll-up-your sleeves, 'Let's get it done!' kind of human being. To me, that is the spirit of a great man, good leader.

In writing this letter, I would like to take the moment to say welcome Sir, to not only Washington, but expectantly, a new era for everyone, every member living in this world as a whole, all of us, as human beings, separate, individual, with great hope! As a leader, I, along with others, want you to lead the great nation of America, with intelligence, nobility, grace and compassion. I think you truly have our country in your best interests. I am a particularly opinionated person, and I have some suggestions on goals, but that is not my place or purpose in writing you. Eight years of an regal Bush/Cheney administration that ignored laws and offered explanations to no one has resulted in grave injustices to millions of people. It has virtually destroyed America's long-standing world image of decency and fairness and that of course is the opinion of one woman, myself.

I know there are many dissatisfied people in our country. It seems that they are looking to you to bring change and fix everything. This will not be a easy task, you are just a man, not a super hero. I know that the last 8 years have been very hard on a great many of us, that in itself, will become a huge undertaking. People throughout the country have become frantic. The crashing stock market has become a big issue, and many people feel that the economy is unstable. The mortgage crisis is also another problem that we all see on the news everyday. Many families are being force to leave their homes, and I believe this is a big cause of people's financial insecurity. The United States is a country with so many opportunities that people shouldn't have to wear themselves thin in order to provide for their family. With the amount of lost jobs in the last 2 years, many families have been left with little to survive on and more are holding on with little hope.

Another major issue in our nation is how costly health care is. As president, Mr Obama, I hope you can help make health care more affordable for the average American. Many health insurance companies limit the amount of doctor's visits and hospital days, which can become very costly for people. Everyone needs health coverage, but there are people who have little or no health coverage. It is believed by many Americans that you will help make health care more affordable for everyone. If you can accomplish this, Americans will have good health care program and it will make life easier for them. Again, we can hope……

I look forward to your bringing the United States' presence in Iraq to an honorable and lasting end, to your undertaking a plan to revitalize an aching spirit of young men and women‘s loss, to your opening up new and improved trade relations with foreign nations and effecting global peace on new frontiers.

I think our nations need help., not just the USA, but the world, all nations. I feel that we are killing our planet by all of our pollutants. The goals that we expect to be reached are the same goals that have been expected from every new president we elect. So I don't know how we can expect you to have all the answers, but we do have hope. All we can strive for is that during your duration in office, you will be able to stay on the nation's good side and improve the economy.

Mr. Obama, you clearly possess the articulate aptitude and the wisdom to help restore our reputation and respect. Please do it in an open, honest and candid way to include all Americans and all the citizens of the world. I do not refer to you as Mr. President as of yet Mr. Obama, for that is a title, one that is earned and I hope in time, I will find it a with grace to call you such.

Sincerely Yours,
Viesta P. Morrison
American and Honored Being of this World

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mr Feel Good! ! !

Chasing Mr. Feel Good?

What are we doing in this generation of feeling good, I mean trying to feel good 100% of the time? What are we in search of? We are either living in a cesspool of frustration over what we think we need or just a downward spiral of what we don’t have!!! What inexpressible desires are we chasing?

At no other time in history, have we had so much as we do at this very moment….. In technology, communications, easy access to gaming, gambling, email, desires are just a stroke and stoke away.. We can watch virtual reality channel surfing, talk to family, friends, “hell” even people we don’t know, by striking a few keys from our laptops, keyboards, any means of communications. Drop a dollar in a machine, for a few quick moments; we surge with new found endorphins, flooding our brain with a new fuelled energy, only to be let down within seconds. We are looking for that first high, that first feel good moment that we experienced years before… only problem with that today is, we have not found our shut off valve. We are seeking what we think we have lost, but why? What is it about having all this new technology and we are never satisfied? I mean really satisfied, that deep down in the gut satisfied feeling we once had in the burn of our bellies? We are forever in search of Mr. Feel Good. We can implant our brains with electrodes if we so wished to do so, at differing spots, just to make us feel good, chances are this new means that medical science has come up with will be abused. We would have the transplant to feel exceptional and find we are on overload….. That is how we operate as human beings. You know, the folks at the head of the food chain? The ones that preach in one hand we have to feel good all the time, rouse emotions we did not even know we had, strive for perfection in a fatigued world. And then there are the others ones, who come across our televised screens squealing about our economy, our downward trends, our over published bad news of current affairs…so where to we find balance?
If you have a itch, we have a cure, if you have a moment when you are down, we have a pill for that, if you bored, try TV, satellite radio, “sex” (both traditional and out there in the deepest seeded desires of mankind where half of the populist would seldom dare to even venture) If you have an imagination, then we have the creation to help you fulfill that need. And that gets me back to what I am speaking of, what are we chasing? What is this urgency we are in constant need of fulfilling? Why are we in such denial over what we want and not taking a breath to think before we act? Why are we so bored? Is it because we have so much or because we have so many means of living out in the moment….
We crave constantly, do not fill up that void and find we are lost.. We talk about spending more time with family, social interactions, walking in the simple pleasures, but it ends there, with just talking about it, seldom is any action taken. {Recall actions speak louder than words} Rather, we find excuses for what we don’t do over what we should do. It is easier that way…. It was not that long ago, people were told to stop hiding their anger, frustrations, futile emotion, so we started talking, non-stop, we never shut up. AND when we grew weary of the endless chatter, we found being medicated easier than dealing. So that brings us back to never filling our bellies, never erupting into that volcano of moments we swear by, the one we say and never do. Expressions are easy now days, you can write a shit load and never say a damn thing? Sort of like I am doing here, get my drift? We say we are so busy, but are we? Are we instead searching out Mr Feel Good for that escape we talk about never getting, that first high we all seem to be chasing, that moment we want to recapture? Who are we, where do we go from here? How many of us really know what it is to LIVE?

Peace - Viesta

Odie Forever a Best Freind

Odie Forever a Best Freind

A Mother's Pride

A Mother's Pride
My Son, My Hero!

My Words, My Way!

My photo
I am just any person out here in the world, part of this universe, one voice, one person, living!

