I was given this by a friend who seems to have worded it perfectly on the feelings of their being no god or gods...Thanks PJ... You can read more of PJ at
God is an illusion.. an idea created by primitive man to explain the things he had no understanding of. This creation of man in mans image has morphed into the creator of the cosmos, the angry father who drowned his kids, the warrior who helped his people slaughter innocents on their way to the promised land, and then into a gentle preacher who turns the other cheek and gives away his goods to the poor. There are countless ideas of god and what his plan for the world are. However what started out as an idea to explain the unknown quickly turned into a means to grab power and wealth, to exploit the populace into doing their lords work at the expense of their lives at times. Religion evolved into the source of power for governments and empires. The populace was given gods to worship, tributes to pay and the priests got richer and more powerful as time marched on. There is no proof of god and yet billions of people have refused to look into the origins of their faith..to question it in even the smallest ways. They defend their faith in the face of evidence that tears away the ground beneath them. They stand on the edge of an eroding cliff called faith.. they claim it is all that is needed. Religion has long been the enemy of science, they have killed the men and women who, through the acquisition of knowledge have shoveled the ground from beneath their feet. They have fought to hold on to their power over the masses, the source of their wealth. They will do almost anything to keep it Slowly over the ages, reason, and logic have drawn men out of the dark of faith and into the sometimes almost blinding light of rational thought... where do you stand? on solid ground or on that eroding ledge...watching as the ground beneath you falls away? ..
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