
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is Anyone Listening?

I think I could go mad….. Ever hear that or think about it? It is a phrase, a thought, perhaps maybe even a generation gone by. Live today, don’t look to past, I was raised on that thinking.. but then again I was also raised to think that the youth that came after our generation would give way to hope, progress and a bright future!
I know our parents worried for our future, just as I sit worrying about the generation of today. Never, I mean, never before, has a youth had so much power within their grasp and so little desire to utilize it. Technology today is amazing, finger stroke away; you are on the internet, sending messages, your thoughts, whatever is on your mind. And here we sit with people, who can’t form a thought, that could become an idea, maybe even a brilliant event, a way to change the measures of today, to make a difference in the days to come.

I know I have very few answers to the questions I consider, but I still find myself able to ask….. is anyone out there?

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