
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tell Me About Your Journey……

I want to tell the story of one person over the age of 75 male or female once a week- I think for too long we have ignored the older generation, yeah it is true, we treat them like they just that, old? I want to gather stories of people who want to talk about what they did with their life, the path they chose to walk down, how they got where they are today, if they have regrets, what secrets to living a good/long life that they have to share! I want the stories to be funny, heartbreaking, even serious?

And I will need some pictures to go along with each story each week, not of the person I am writing about always, just pictures that would suit the theme of that person that week

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Odie Forever a Best Freind

Odie Forever a Best Freind

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A Mother's Pride
My Son, My Hero!

My Words, My Way!

My photo
I am just any person out here in the world, part of this universe, one voice, one person, living!

