Sunday, June 8, 2008
Iraq Vets against the Actions and Attack of Iraq...
Iraq Veterans against the War
When it comes to man creating wars, or young people joining the military right out of high school, I am the first to state, war has no place in the world of today, freedom is the first victim of any war or war mongering and young people who joined the service hopefully read every clause, pause and just because of the contract they made with the US Military. It states clearly, at anytime during your service with the military, you may be asked to go aboard during wartime or war actions. In other words, when a young man or woman signs on the dotted line to join the Military of the good ole US of A, they own your ass, lock, stock and barrel. It is not a fool’s paradise, so be prepared young person, wherever and whoever you may be! ! ! ! !
The US-led war against Iraq did not begin in March 2003, as many Americans believe. In fact the US and Britain had been waging an undeclared war against Iraq for twelve years, ever since the end of the Gulf War in 1991.( Although to this day I stand by the term Gulf Slaughter!) The aim has been the destruction of Iraqi society enabling the US to gain control of Iraq's huge oil reserves. As a result of economic sanctions against Iraq, the prevention of the delivery of much-needed medical and other supplies because of US vetoes in the U.N. Security Council, and the carcinogenic effects of depleted uranium left over from the 1991 Gulf Slaughter, over a million people (two-thirds of them children) have died (this figure is over and above the death rate which would have been expected without sanctions). This policy by the US has been in reality genocidal and no amount of hypocritical moral posturing on the part of George W. Bush can disguise this.
Within hours of the attacks of September 11th, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, which killed over 3000 people, the Bush administration was blaming Osama bin Laden and his alleged Al-Qaeda network, and declaring a so-called war on terrorism Immediately the Pentagon put into effect its already-prepared plans for massive bombing raids against Afghanistan (with the purpose of furthering American plans for an oil pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan).
At that time no suggestion was made that Iraq was in any way connected with the September 11th attacks. But in September 2002 a US government and US media disinformation campaign was launched to persuade the American people that it was really Iraq which was behind these attacks.
The propaganda campaign to make people believe that Saddam Hussein was behind the September 11th attacks was so successful that in mid-2003 the believers had grown to 70%. But in September 2003 George W. Bush admitted that there was no evidence linking Saddam to 9/11 in a televised newscast. So the attack on Iraq changed names, to sway the American populace, we started calling it Freedom Iraq, showing how much we cared about the people of Iraq, forcing our so called freedoms and brave democracy down their throats. A Democracy I might add these people never enlisted in the first place, but forge ahead, we did!
In the weeks leading up to the attack on Iraq George W. Bush was to be seen almost nightly on television earnestly declaring in his brain-dead zombie-like emotionless cartoon-Western-sheriff manner that Iraq possessed "weapons of mass destruction" which it was sure either to use directly against the US (a ridiculous suggestion) or to give to "terrorists" to produce more September 11ths on US soil.
And everyday that we become closer to seeing GW out of office, out of our hair and out of the White House, we see clearly how wrong the attack on Iraq was. We see with eyes wide open how wrong our being there has been all along. People wake up everyday to new facts, slapping their heads with the knowledge that we should have never forced ourselves in the country of Iraq, destroying a country, a people and yes, even their way of life.
I use to think I stood alone with the disgust of my country, the helplessness I felt over how wrong our being in Iraq was, the underlying threat we have become to ourselves and the world. A world of people that do not trust the USA, the government that has led us thus far and a general dislike by so many countries from around the world. At one time the US had many allies, today those same allies look on at us in dismay as we continue our occupation in Iraq. An occupation that is wrong in not just the eyes of the everyday man that lives in America, but even by the eyes of people who have been sent over there to fight a war, only to return, knowing, stating, feeling and hitting the streets in demonstrations saying our being in Iraq serves no purpose! Why are we still there? This very question is even now being asked by our own men and women who are returning to the USA from active duty in Iraq.
Each of the these young people have a story to tell, an action they saw and a military command they executed, even if they thought it wrong or right, they did so, for the honor to their country. Their country being the USA- America, a country they believe in and would lay down their lives to defend. But even as I write this, these mere words can not capture what some of our own brave young people have seen, so in writing this, I am going to ask each and every one of you reading to please click onto the site Read the stories of men and women who have served in Iraq, read their own words, feel their calamity and then write to me in telling me once again how I am a trader to my country of America and how wrong I have been for 8 years. Tell these young people if you dare or if you can, that they betrayed their country by using their voice to express the truth as to what they saw while in Iraq. I mean really, who better to understand or believe than the very soldiers sent to Iraq in the first place! ! !
{The world should astonish me, but instead it just seasons me to another day of breathing, living and loving, this I know I do well & and I do it with zest} VPM
I am Viesta and America is running out of time and truths! ! !
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Odie Forever a Best Freind

A Mother's Pride

My Son, My Hero!
My Words, My Way!

- Viesta
- I am just any person out here in the world, part of this universe, one voice, one person, living!

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