Judith, A Different Kind of Hero - In a Different Kind of World we live in today!
I want to tell you about a woman I have come to know here in Canada. Her name is Jude, I will leave out her last name. Jude had a real upbeat personality, but she is larger than life when it comes to showing you how grand life is, not that she lives a too grand life, rather she just lives a easy going, outstanding life.
At the core of her existence, Jude has her family. Three boys and one daughter, and this lady could not be more proud her kids. They grew up, according to Jude just turning out to be great people, she acts as though she had very little to do with it. She has 3 sons, all doing separate things, but succeeding well on their way in life and one daughter who is away at University.
Jude goes to work everyday with her husband Scot and heads home with him every night. Let me tell you people, it is not easy for people to always work together, live together and be married all at the same time, but Jude does it and she does it well. Like I mention, she has a lot of heart and soul in her family, they are the biggest part of her life.
Oh Jude like other women has her outside hobbies! One year she was making crystal bracelets, I have to admit they were very lovely, I own several. Then Jude got into selling Mary Kay products, this woman is a damn fine salesperson, I still have samples of bath oil and facial products that I have not used, but I bought them, because Jude could sell oil back to the oil companies, she is real personality.
I admire Jude as a woman, she is politically correct when the rest of us are just running our mouth or not caring about what comes out of our verbiage. Some days when you are talking with Jude, you can tell she is thinking faster than her lips are moving, this woman is always thinking, always working on bettering herself, from some new small diet she heard about, studying a new language, or just getting a few sunrays in the summers by attending one of her son’s baseballs games! I can’t say Jude was ever crazy about attending those games or sitting in the hot Vancouver sun in the summer to watch the games, but Jude was there supporting her boys, this lady loves her kids a great deal, ,she is what you would call a devoted parent. We don’t see a lot of that these days, so it is nice to be able to point it out.
One year, not that long ago, Jude’s 3 oldest child went to Africa, to make his mark on Mother Earth, to help the people out who live in this improvised country. Jude worried every day that he was gone, but she was so proud his achievememts on taking on a trip such as this one, to help out others. Or to read the pride in Jude’s words when she talks about her oldest son, his long term relationship with his same lady since late in school. She speaks of her second oldest, he excels in academic work, or how hard it was to see her only daughter, her baby go away to college. Sure Jude is looking forward to spending some quality time with her husband Scot and their get always, no matter what Jude does in life for herself or her family, she does it with a touch of class, one that most are in awe of, but never have I felt that Jude is putting on an air of superiority , Jude just is Jude, a lady, a good citizen, a person that cares about this earth and the people the dwell in it.
Recently Jude lost her father, a well known operatic singer in Alberta Canada. Jude was there with her Mom, sister, supporting her father in his last weeks. Jude was there until the very end. What a blessing she is to her Mother. Her father lost his battle with cancer, but he leaves behind a daughter like Jude, a daughter that has made him proud to be a father, leaving a legacy in grandchildren that Jude brought into the world that are all different in personality, but very close when it comes to be a family. Jude claims she does not know how her kids turned out so well, but I can answer that for her, our kids do as we do, and what Jude did for her family, was show pride, social graces, and a eye for perfection in everyday little things, like how to articulate, speak well and above all, spell words correctly, one of her pet peeves.
Jude is a Totally Modern Millie, she reminds me in so many ways of the actress Shirley McClain. She is up on people’s rights, she believes in mankind, thinking the world is basically a good place and that no person should go without being treated equal. If you ever debate with Jude on society, you will find she makes many the fine points on how life would be improved for all and why we all should be treated equal. She works everyday, she attends social outings, dinners, time away with her husband or in the not too distant past would laugh and share how many kids were hanging out her house, watching movies. Good kids sharing fun times with a good family, Jude’s family. It seemed kids were always welcome in Jude’s home and I know that has not changed in the least.
Jude is from Canada, but she reminds me of the women in Steel Magnolias, a sort of southern woman, deeply feeling, but born and living in Canada instead!!!!! I guess if we looked really deep, we could find a bit of that southern charm in all women all over the world.
Honestly in the world we live in today, it is not always easy to find good people, but I know one that lives out in BC, one that would never take the credit for the person I have come to know her to be. Kind, helpful, caring, understanding, patient, and loving are some of the words that come to mind when asked to list the qualities of a good person. One usually knows a person is good by what they do, such as performing thoughtful deeds. Jude you know is real, cause she is never acting on being someone other than who you see!
I guess to sum it all up, Jude asked me one afternoon shortly after her Father died, did I want to see a picture of her husband and grown children. She remarked with pride “ Don’t my boys look good dressed up in suits?” And all I could think to myself was, Jude you are a super Mom, the very fact that all of your grown children took time out from their busy lives to attend your father’s funeral, speaks volumes to me, volumes about what a good family you have and girl it is time you stood up, took a bow and say, “Yeah, I guess I did have a hand in how they turned out and they tuned out just fine” Least, but last to be said, you and Scot of course did a good job, you two are a good team, good parents, a good fit! ! ! ! !
I am Viesta and I am out! ! !
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Odie Forever a Best Freind

A Mother's Pride

My Son, My Hero!
My Words, My Way!

- Viesta
- I am just any person out here in the world, part of this universe, one voice, one person, living!

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