Monday, March 23, 2009
Sad Newscast
Fox News Host Mocks Canadian Forces
Source: The Canadian Press
Posted: 03/23/09 3:16PM
Filed Under: Canada
TV Personality Apologizes for Insulting Comments
OTTAWA - A Fox News host is apologizing to Canadians in the face of widespread outrage over comments he and his guests made on a late-night talk show.
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News That Stunned Us
A group of pundits took turns trashing Canada and its reliability as an ally in fighting terrorism last week on a Fox News program as four more Canadian soldiers were killed in separate attacks in Afghanistan. Defence Minister Peter MacKay requested an apology just before leaving for Canadian Forces Base Trenton, where he was to attend a repatriation ceremony with the families of the latest soldiers killed.
1 of 64
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Are you offended by the comments made on this U.S. show?
Yes 91%
Somewhat 4%
No 6%
Total Votes: 2996
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NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.
Red Eye host Greg Gutfeld says his comments “may have been misunderstood” and in no way were meant to disrespect “the brave men, women and families of the Canadian military.”
So my reply was!
Greg Gutfeld, Sir, I understand to get ratings, plugs, advertisers, etc, these days, a talk show host, columnist, all have to stoop to new levels, for shock values, opinions, just in general to find out if they even have a viable audience. Allow me to state, I am offended, then again, I am sure most who have watched the video with you smirking all the while are offended in general. But this I am sure, is your way of getting ratings? I am an American, living in Canada, married to a Canadian. Canadians are people of pride and honor, just as Americans USE to be. I have in my own words showed my shame over American politics, the Iraq invasion, (not a war mind you) Americans invaded Iraq- so it was never termed a war. Then we have people such as you Greg, low balling and insulting. YAAAA I am sure you care not what others have to say or how many post you get from this unintelligent broadcast of yours, but one can only wish you had your facts straight. Canadian troops are bravely dying for a hopeless cause in Afghanistan, this is a fact in my opinion. That sad truth can only be extremely painful for the families of all those soldiers killed on our Canada’s behalf, for they fought believing their contribution would help Afghanistan. But the reality is that eight years later, Canada's military began its mission Afghanistan is farther away from being a democracy, the Taliban are stronger than ever and the evil opium poppy trade that produces most of the world's heroin is bigger than ever. But on the bigger picture- boys are in a country where they are fighting for what they believe in, freedom of others and you have the gall to ridicule that measure! Pompous broadcast such as yours are cowardice to state the least. All I can say is, way to go Greg, one more reason to make another American living aboard to feel ashamed- very little pride left in being American. Thank you for the ignorance, thanks for the support and most of all, thank you for the yellow journalism- in the name of bloggers, advertisers and looking for an audience, from any prospect!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Teen Girls Dating Brutal Boys!
Teen Girls With Brutal Boys!
A teen girl stands in the corner of a sports shoe store with her hoodie pulled down over her head, tied loosely at the chin, looking down. At first sight, a person would think, “Oh she is just another emo” (label given to teens that wear a more melodic and less chaotic style of dress.) But at a second glance, you can see out of the corner of your eye, the girl has a cut lip, slight bruising above her lip ring. A boy not much older than she is, comes from around the table in the store, grabs her hand assertively and walks off. I could have followed them and asked her if she was alright, but I watched them walk, thinking what good would my questioning do! Girls today, (1 out of 3) will be abused by a boy and that boy will get away with it. The girl will make excuses for him, saying it is not that bad, that it will get better and wait for change. Sometimes that change comes too late! If pushed to get away from the boy in question, the girl will more likely return to the relationship, thinking you are trying to control her as an adult. Most will not admit it, but until the girl herself wants change, there will be nothing altered.
Teens are reluctant to talk to their parents about this subject, the logic goes, and they turn to their peers instead. So what parents can do to help is make sure those peers are educated and informed- and hope for a sort of salvation by people their own age.
What I taught my daughters when they were growing up is mainly self respect. Through self respect a lot of things follow. I told them that there are good men out there, that no one has to put up with fear or abuse in their relationship. The first sign of disrespect be it verbal abuse or physical abuse is a sign to leave that relationship behind. There's always "I'm sorry" and "it wont happen again" but it will happen again. I am a low maintenance laid back person. I take most things with a grain of salt. I had enough respect for myself to know that I would not accept that kind of reaction/response. I'd drop anyone in a minute that didn't treat me as I treat them. That is the basis I live by and I try and pass that on to my daughters. No one deserves to be verbally or physically attacked in a relationship. It seems to be a power trip for some, a calculating issue, to do those things. My mentality is "see how much control or power you have after I'm gone". You get one chance, you abuse that option, and you become another statistic in my opinion. I would want every girl out there to understand, never give up your power as a human being, no one has the right to treat you any other way, then a equal, with respect and admiration!
But it's all about the girls knowing that they are strong enough to stand alone to take up for themselves. That they have enough self respect to know they are above it and deserve better. It is important for girls to have a support group within their circle of friends that can help them through any given situation and show them another route.
Boys at an early age, need to be taught respect, how to treat girls, women and one another. It starts with words that are taught as a life lesson and it becomes habitual to treat others with love, reverence and understanding. Girls are a boy’s equal on every level, and when a person grows up with that thinking, the ground becomes even, a stronger foundation is leveled and we become better people by the lessons we are both taught and educated.
If you are a teenage girl, feeling you are ready to move on from an abusive relationship, you can visit or call the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (1-866-331-9474, or TTY 1-866-331-8453.) Love is never suppose to hurt! ! ! !
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Doing a blog just for the Carmen LOL
1. Name something you use in the shower?
2. Name a product for men?
3. Name something people hate to find on their windshield?
a crack.
4. Name something a man might buy before a date?
5. What is another word for blemish?
6. Something you cook in the microwave?
7. Name a piece of furniture people need help moving?
8. Name a reason a younger man might like an older woman?
hmm, i dont know.
9. Name something a dog does that embarrasses it's owner?
bark non stop.
10. Name a kind of test you cannot study for?
pregnancy test.
11. Name something a boy scout gets a badge for?
making a fire.
12. Name a phrase with the word home in it?
home improvement.
13. Name a sport where players lose teeth?
14. Name something a teacher can do to ruin a student's day?
ask them to read in front of the class ? haha
15. What is a way you can tell someone has been crying?
their eyes are red and sqinted.
16. Name a bird you wouldn't want to eat?
17. Name something someone would wear with a hole in it?
18. Name something that gets smaller the more you use it?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Nice Guys???
Do you think that nice people are boring? I mean people who always try to be nice and polite, they never joke around with you, always try to calm you. Whenever you tell them something, they accept it. It's you most of the time who decides what to do now, where to go, when to meet and things of that sort. Even if you did something wrong, they say you weren't so guilty about that...because you are just a nice person. It seems that most of people respect this type a lot but they usually don't enjoy spending time with them for any long length periods. I’ve read somewhere that women prefer jerks. Personally I don't agree with this a lot, but when you look around, for some it is true. I mean women like men who have a good sense of humor and are joking most of time even if what they're saying, hurt your feeling a little here and there. (In case you don't have anything to say in order to pay them back)But of course I'm not talking about people who try unsuccessfully to be funny or are jerks?
I am just asking…. What do you think? Do nice guys finish last?
Just a Bad Read
It is winter, I don’t mean, just a wintery day or a day in winter, I mean it is damn cold outside. Here I sit in March, with the last 4 months being cold and mean, cabin fever, right? When it is this cold out, there is little to nothing to do. So I take care of the house, fix meals there are out of my element and spend time on the internet. Boring? Yes, very boring, but amusing all at the same time.
You get to know a bit about people when you are in the net, the WWW if you will. I seldom admit to the fact that I spend time on a chat room, I won’t say which one, but I drop into a chat off and on throughout my cabin fever filled days.
Last night I dropped on to see who was logged in! Some days it is like opening a really boring book, one that you want to put down, but have hopes that it might get better. It was not what I viewed that bothered me, but rather, what I understood in the reading. You can learn a lot about human nature in words on a blank screen, all read from the living room setting on a lap top. Two people were logged on, (nicks are not important) but the nature of their being human was. It was a he said/she said sling of words gathering. People can be merciless, not just spiteful, but deep down I have to make you hurt kind of mean. She had to attack his manhood, his health issues and his past ladies. He on the other hand showed a weaker view point, he attacked her children, I mean really verbally assault her children, their background, their fathers and who she was as a woman. It was a train wreck of words. Here were two people who obviously have met each other off line at one time or another could have been friends even, and for whatever reason, they no longer care each other. And that brings me to the crust of my conversation about people and words.
People can become so dislocated on a winter’s day, just cruel, mean, harsh to each other. It makes me think of the saying, “If you have nothing nice to say to a person, than say anything at all” But that really is impossible in the world today, is it not? People do not mess around when it comes to hiding behind a glass partition called a monitor, to lash out at each other and thrust such hateful things about, without a thought in the world, people slam their fingers down on a keyboard, and become so damn bold! (Even bigger than life.) We use words to show how we are feeling in one brief moment, and then the moment is gone. And we lash out, to see who can become bigger and badder than the other person hiding behind their glass partition. Yes, I know the saying, most of the people we chat to are not real, chances are, and they will never be real friend to us, so why should we treat them as if they matter? With morals and social matters becoming an antiquity, mankind has found a new way to reach out and slam other human being, by means of the internet chat rooms. None of this is news to me, I have read it many times, have studied it even, done profiles on people to examine the nature on our being human. With all that is going on in the world today, a fallen economy, people in a state of despair, the media reporting news that becomes more grim with each newscast, it would be nice to find a place where lowering our standards and being brash with words was not part of the chat experience.
But it is winter, cabin fever and I suppose we as humans are showing the ugly side of who we are with a great deal more ease these days……. The internet!
You get to know a bit about people when you are in the net, the WWW if you will. I seldom admit to the fact that I spend time on a chat room, I won’t say which one, but I drop into a chat off and on throughout my cabin fever filled days.
Last night I dropped on to see who was logged in! Some days it is like opening a really boring book, one that you want to put down, but have hopes that it might get better. It was not what I viewed that bothered me, but rather, what I understood in the reading. You can learn a lot about human nature in words on a blank screen, all read from the living room setting on a lap top. Two people were logged on, (nicks are not important) but the nature of their being human was. It was a he said/she said sling of words gathering. People can be merciless, not just spiteful, but deep down I have to make you hurt kind of mean. She had to attack his manhood, his health issues and his past ladies. He on the other hand showed a weaker view point, he attacked her children, I mean really verbally assault her children, their background, their fathers and who she was as a woman. It was a train wreck of words. Here were two people who obviously have met each other off line at one time or another could have been friends even, and for whatever reason, they no longer care each other. And that brings me to the crust of my conversation about people and words.
People can become so dislocated on a winter’s day, just cruel, mean, harsh to each other. It makes me think of the saying, “If you have nothing nice to say to a person, than say anything at all” But that really is impossible in the world today, is it not? People do not mess around when it comes to hiding behind a glass partition called a monitor, to lash out at each other and thrust such hateful things about, without a thought in the world, people slam their fingers down on a keyboard, and become so damn bold! (Even bigger than life.) We use words to show how we are feeling in one brief moment, and then the moment is gone. And we lash out, to see who can become bigger and badder than the other person hiding behind their glass partition. Yes, I know the saying, most of the people we chat to are not real, chances are, and they will never be real friend to us, so why should we treat them as if they matter? With morals and social matters becoming an antiquity, mankind has found a new way to reach out and slam other human being, by means of the internet chat rooms. None of this is news to me, I have read it many times, have studied it even, done profiles on people to examine the nature on our being human. With all that is going on in the world today, a fallen economy, people in a state of despair, the media reporting news that becomes more grim with each newscast, it would be nice to find a place where lowering our standards and being brash with words was not part of the chat experience.
But it is winter, cabin fever and I suppose we as humans are showing the ugly side of who we are with a great deal more ease these days……. The internet!
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