“No More Ring Around The Moronic Bush”
Good Bye Bush..... The Words Just Roll Off My Tongue, See Ya GW!!!
Will I miss you? Not in the least, not even a tiny bit, not one iota. Will I be one of the people celebrating your leaving? Oh hell yeah, with jubilee. You blurred the vision of the American people GW, here’s hoping we can regain our sight and insight to the future ahead.
As the summer months start off here in good ole Canada, I as an American have one consistent revenant thought that hangs with me like a sunny day with not a cloud in sight. That sunny thought being, Bush is out, gone, finite, done as stick a fork in it already.
After two weeks on the road, staying in a military base in Millington TN, I had the chance to see part of the country that I had never seen before. Though the country side from North Dakota to Tennessee was beautiful, I came across the same story from people I chatted with working in hospitality services along the way. People are barely getting by on the earnings they take home, some moving to other states in order to gain employment and others are not sure what the future holds for them, their families or even their old age. I spoke with one woman who was in her early seventies, our waitress at a place we had stopped to eat. She said she had to keep working just to make ends meet; they were not able to survive on their combined retirement funds. She said she had never seen North Dakota in as bad of shape as it is now. She had lived there her whole life, raised her family there and her son had to move away just to find a job to support his family. I asked her if she knew who she wanted to be voted in for this upcoming term. She nodded her head saying “She was not sure who she wanted to see in office, but felt none of them could have been as bad as GW Bush”
George W. Bush believed in the corn fed crap he fed Americans for the last eight years. Bush’s policies have never resulted in progress towards democracy in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries in the Middle East. He spoke to us in one of his speeches of how the elections under occupation in Iraq were an example of democracy. People in Iraq voted for their religious or tribal leaders. They did not have access to any information about issues or candidates. They now face Shia control and internal competition for power. The chaos continues, the deaths continue, and the insurgency is stronger than ever. (So much for GW’s idea of success.) Democratic elections were held long before George Bush came to office in both Lebanon and among the Palestinians. The Saudi election – which excluded women, was a farce. Democracy cannot be ordered by the White House. Blurring the truth creates an illusion that it can. And that truly is what Bush fed the populace of the American people for eight years, a blurred version of his truth.
GW believed that he alone could determine which nations could possess nuclear weapons, while continuing his arrogant disdain for global cooperation. Bush continued nuclear weapon development in the US, and ignored the possession of similar weapons in countries he needs for his own purposes (such as Pakistan and Israel), or those he will not challenge for fear of confrontation (such as China and North Korea). At the same time, George Bush believed he could work outside the United Nations to disarm nations he arbitrarily accuses of supporting terrorist.
Once George W. Bush is finally out of office, and a full examination is done on his presidency, what do you expect will be discovered?
Here’s hoping, the truth will come out about, the history books will not lead future generations to believing that Bush was some sort of hero, but write him down as the war monger he is and the devastation he and his administration left behind. The truth will come out, proof that the president deceived America, and all the lies of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Ronald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice will lay before future generations as the one of the saddest times in our history and with hope for no repeats of the same.
I have not been able to really concentrate on who I want to see as our next American Leader, I have been far too enthralled on the idea that Bush will be out soon.
At this point I don't care if it's a Democrat or Republican or some trained monkey replacing him (which would be an improvement)...I just can't wait until he's out of office.
There will never be a time in US history that will be more historic than when Bush leaves office. May the bells of freedom once again sound across this great nation? May we once again be proud to be Americans? My one wish is for the people who have caused us these troubled times come to know true freedom from Tierney and Oppression. Once again America will have risen from pain and sorrow to become strong once more. May your god, or goddess, bless you, and the American Way in which we truly live -Find Freedom in the rights of all conscious beings.